Exhabition Reflection

This week for exhibition we are preparing for action be thinking For possible action and some of the things that we did for action was:

  • Take a page
  • Do Kahoot!
  • And show how long it tack to different types of plastic decompose soo that think about should I use plastic

What I want done next week is to start doing our action and finish any thing that I need done so I can get moving on to the and of exhibition so i doo have stuff too show on the night.

What was challenging this week was thinking of more ideas for the night and to inter react with every one so it is not boring and we had to find plastic stuff in the school hat was hard to find.


Week 11 Exhibition Reflection

We have worked on our booth and have made a word Search, colouring sheet and book marks. We also got a blue table cloth and We have a Model of a fish that has plastic in it. 

What went well
What I think went well was that we started a dance that you could not tell what was going on. But we fixed it by getting some props and then you were able to tell what was going on, what we were and our message was clearer.

What I did
I have done some of the ideas for interactions. We discussed ideas for the booth and decided to do a presentation of how different plastics decompose in the sea. This will be displayed as different types of plastic in jars to show how they don’t break down.f.  G

Exhibition Reflection Week 9

This week we had St Andrew in Concert it was interrupting exhibition so we didn’t get to do as much as we were supposed to do. We missed out on art and music 🎶 but I am almost have finished my media arts video.

We also needed to finished our three information texts but I am going to do it on the weekend so I get head in class. Then I can do some more conclusions and work through my my check list.

My check list is so we can see where we are and what we need to do so we can keep up with it and conclusion is media arts, art, music and math so it is just exhibition in other Lessons and do in different parts of exhibition .

Exhibition 8 Reflection

This week i whenever to the cancel to answer some question to see what they are doing about water pollution.  There  Is some systems in place to help stop water pollution

for  exhibition i  did a pome to help stop water pollution and  also i am making a graph for what  caused  water pollution  and also in art we are making a poster on Pixelmator too help with the  project  and to learn in art ow to use pixelmator.

Research Reflection

I think i did well in finding out responsibility took the longest because I had too go further i had to use national geographic and ted ed and my mum and abc website and off my head i also had to answer most of my questions at home to finish it off

for sorting out that was a bit easy to do i had to think which one was the most important and reserch it’ll use it to hook people in the the problem

For going further i am reserch in depth and more of it in different lessons as in a bar graph 📈 and In music and media arts and art to help us to ready for the poster and music and quote to put with the music.


Tuning In Reflection


I choose the global issue of water pollution because it is a world wide problem and it is affect the hole wold and and it i skill sea life and is also we eat plastic as well and animals.

When I work I apply all my thinking skills in to my work to get a good result at the end.

Aways be time management to on time to move on to  new task.

And when i fail I use it to help me to improve on my work.

Help people to finish work in my  in my group when in need.

And tune in to the teacher when giving tips.

Personal Divices At School 🏫

Personal Devices at School

Do you think students should be allowed access to their personal devices at school? I know that children bring devices into school and I strongly believe that this distracts what they do at school and their learning.

Students can do things that teachers cannot control. For example, looking at things that they are not supposed to and listening to things that should not be using. Some people bring devices to play on and hide it from teachers. When students bring their own devices, they can also bring viruses that can spread to school devices. This can impact on multiple areas of the school.

I feel that iPhones can distract people from doing work and finishing work on time. This can be a big problem for both teachers and students

Students also have the potential to use their personal devices to cheat on tests. For example, they can use their calculator, google the answer or use an online dictionary.

If they break at school complain and say that it’s the schools fault an maybe soo they might Lose their device at school Not from the teachers just from them forgetting to pick it up and forgot where the put it.

All the things that I said stop people from learning bringing in viruses on there phone and looking at things that the teachers can’t control and cheating on tests.